This incredible children’s fantasy by acclaimed author Fay Sampson is being republished by Spring Song Press. Both ebook and paperback versions will be released March 16, 2021.
Pre-order it below and scroll down for preorder perks!

“Now! Now you shall see what happens to those who would break the spell of mermaids!”
Fleeing the king’s justice for his accidental crime, the monk Niall has been bewitched by mermaids in the underwater realm, while vengeful Princess Finnglas is in the grip of a terrifying sea monster. Pangur Bán, the white cat, is desperate. He must rescue them—but how?
Only Arthmael can do it.
But who is Arthmael? And where is he? Can Pangur Bán find him in time?
Beautifully written, wilder and less safe than Lewis’s Narnia, this beloved allegory is newly republished. Whether you’re discovering it for the first time or rediscovering that book you loved as a child, Pangur Bán, the White Cat delivers breathless fantasy and spiritual depth for young readers and adults.
Preorder Perks:
- Preorder an ebook of Pangur Bán, the white cat from any retailer and email us your receipt. The copy you receive if you pre-order the book will include a link to download an incredible desktop wallpaper image of the cover art!
- Preorder a NEW* paperback copy of Pangur Bán, the white cat from any retailer and email us your receipt. We’ll email you the link to the desktop wallpaper!